YouTube : Le thème « controlled male chastity » dans une nouvelle vidéo informative
Publication sur le thème « controlled male chastity » par Female Led Relationship
Publiée par Female Led Relationship (), une vidéo YouTube traite du thème « controlled male chastity ».
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Au moment où nous avons consulté la vidéo (), elle avait déjà cumulé quelques interactions. Le décompte de Likes indiquait: 79.
Il convient de préciser la durée (00:03:52s) de la vidéo, le titre (Excessive Masturbation), et les observations du youtubeur :« What is the effectiveness of male chastity and orgasm control for stopping excessive masturbation? Millions of couples have found that using a male chastity device or cage is an effective tool for reducing male masturbation. Additionally, couples find that the psychological element of being in chastity can help men focus on intimacy with their Queen along with other important aspects of their life like household chores, child care and their relationship or marriage. Male Chastity and orgasm control can be especially helpful if the individual has struggled with compulsive or addictive masturbation. https://www.loveandobey.com/ ».
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#Excessive #Masturbation
Retranscription des paroles de la vidéo: masturbation is healthy for men when done in a controlled and guided manner with the Queen’s consent now masturbation should never become out of control where it becomes excessive masturbation in an flr as uses her submissive gentlemen are supposed to focus on serving her your Queen’s needs first men who grew up in the age of easy to access internet porn often believe that they’re addicted to pornography and masturbation hundreds of thousands of years of evolution have programmed men with the urge to have sex with as many partners as possible and ejaculate as much as possible now when excessive masturbation occurs it is allowed to get out of control and the focus is lost in a female-led relationship and the queen must intervene now one of the ways that you can learn to curb out of control masturbation is through Chastity many men are aware of Chastity but experiencing Chastity and the use of a chassis device under the guidance of a superior Queen is a completely different experience even if you’ve been in a successful relationship or marriage for years Chasity can boost your sexual excitement focus and ultimately build a greater sense of connection intimacy for you and your queen Queens can Implement Chastity to help a man to understand the value of self-control and become more mindful in his duty to serve it helps to focus his energy lost in masturbation or more productive activities such as helping with the kids household chores creating ways to worship His Queen more creatively wearing a chastity cage there’s no way for you to stimulate yourself and you will probably avoid porn like the plague the first few days can seem like a challenge but after five or seven days you can start to enjoy being in the aroused State you can also give yourself many challenges to see how long you can last Chastity also keeps you connected to the most important person in your life because it’s a sexy secret you’ll share with your queen the queen being the key holder becomes the object of your attention the idea is to refocus your attention on goddess worship and service and becoming a better submissive this is one of the reasons why I believe in may-led relationships begin to disintegrate when women feel neglected and a great deal of sexual dissatisfaction when men spend so much time focused elsewhere you are focused on her as a key holder and your ultimate master and she’s focused on directing and guiding you here are some wonderful benefits of male chastity one it’s strengthened trust practicing male chastity through a key holder submissive relationship encourages you and your queen to strengthen your bonds of trust and understanding of one another next improved communication withholding sexual release requires open lines of communication between both of you leading to improved communication and understanding next heightened sexual desire for many couples male chastity can increase levels of arousal and sexual desire the result of more satisfying encounters when physical intimacy is allowed next intense orgasmic release when the submissive is finally allowed to climax it can often be more intense and powerful than usual due to the prolonged periods of sexual absence next longer lasting relationships a keyhole a submissive relationship can encourage couples to stay together and make long-term commitments to each other because they’re spending each and every day inward focused Chastity can also be a great way to experiment with all sorts of methods of orgasm control edging orgasm denial and adding an oral pleasure role play BDSM bondage and more read my book Chastity the guide to male chastity and learn why thousands of couples are turning to Chastity to curb excessive masturbation and has dramatically transforming the dynamic in many female-led relationships and female-led marriages .
Déroulement de la vidéo:
0.319 masturbation is healthy for men when
0.319 done in a controlled and guided manner
0.319 with the Queen&;s consent now
0.319 masturbation should never become out of
0.319 control where it becomes excessive
0.319 masturbation in an flr as uses her
0.319 submissive gentlemen are supposed to
0.319 focus on serving her your Queen&;s needs
0.319 first men who grew up in the age of easy
0.319 to access internet porn often believe
0.319 that they&;re addicted to pornography and
0.319 masturbation hundreds of thousands of
0.319 years of evolution have programmed men
0.319 with the urge to have sex with as many
0.319 partners as possible and ejaculate as
0.319 much as possible now when excessive
0.319 masturbation occurs it is allowed to get
0.319 out of control and the focus is lost in
0.319 a female-led relationship and the queen
0.319 must intervene now one of the ways that
0.319 you can learn to curb out of control
0.319 masturbation is through Chastity many
0.319 men are aware of Chastity but
0.319 experiencing Chastity and the use of a
0.319 chassis device under the guidance of a
0.319 superior Queen is a completely different
0.319 experience even if you&;ve been in a
0.319 successful relationship or marriage for
0.319 years Chasity can boost your sexual
0.319 excitement focus and ultimately build a
0.319 greater sense of connection intimacy for
0.319 you and your queen Queens can Implement
0.319 Chastity to help a man to understand the
0.319 value of self-control and become more
0.319 mindful in his duty to serve it helps to
0.319 focus his energy lost in masturbation or
0.319 more productive activities such as
0.319 helping with the kids household chores
0.319 creating ways to worship His Queen more
0.319 creatively wearing a chastity cage
0.319 there&;s no way for you to stimulate
0.319 yourself and you will probably avoid
0.319 porn like the plague the first few days
0.319 can seem like a challenge but after five
0.319 or seven days you can start to enjoy
0.319 being in the aroused State you can also
0.319 give yourself many challenges to see how
0.319 long you can last Chastity also keeps
0.319 you connected to the most important
0.319 person in your life because it&;s a sexy
0.319 secret you&;ll share with your queen the
0.319 queen being the key holder becomes the
0.319 object of your attention the idea is to
0.319 refocus your attention on goddess
0.319 worship and service and becoming a
0.319 better submissive this is one of the
0.319 reasons why I believe in may-led
0.319 relationships begin to disintegrate when
0.319 women feel neglected and a great deal of
0.319 sexual dissatisfaction when men spend so
0.319 much time focused elsewhere you are
0.319 focused on her as a key holder and your
0.319 ultimate master and she&;s focused on
0.319 directing and guiding you here are some
0.319 wonderful benefits of male chastity
0.319 one it&;s strengthened trust practicing
0.319 male chastity through a key holder
0.319 submissive relationship encourages you
0.319 and your queen to strengthen your bonds
0.319 of trust and understanding of one
0.319 another next improved communication
0.319 withholding sexual release requires open
0.319 lines of communication between both of
0.319 you leading to improved communication
0.319 and understanding next heightened sexual
0.319 desire for many couples male chastity
0.319 can increase levels of arousal and
0.319 sexual desire the result of more
0.319 satisfying encounters when physical
0.319 intimacy is allowed next intense
0.319 orgasmic release when the submissive is
0.319 finally allowed to climax it can often
0.319 be more intense and powerful than usual
0.319 due to the prolonged periods of sexual
0.319 absence
0.319 next longer lasting relationships a
0.319 keyhole a submissive relationship can
0.319 encourage couples to stay together and
0.319 make long-term commitments to each other
0.319 because they&;re spending each and every
0.319 day inward focused Chastity can also be
0.319 a great way to experiment with all sorts
0.319 of methods of orgasm control edging
0.319 orgasm denial and adding an oral
0.319 pleasure role play BDSM bondage and more
0.319 read my book Chastity the guide to male
0.319 chastity and learn why thousands of
0.319 couples are turning to Chastity to curb
0.319 excessive masturbation and has
0.319 dramatically transforming the dynamic in
0.319 many female-led relationships and
0.319 female-led marriages
La régulation de la chasteté chez les garçons.
La pratique de la chasteté masculine contrôlée repose sur le choix d’un homme de freiner ses activités sexuelles à l’aide de cages de chasteté, tout en attribuant le contrôle à un partenaire.
Les approches et techniques de la chasteté masculine contrôlée englobent plusieurs moyens pour réguler les activités sexuelles.
La cage de chasteté est conçue pour empêcher physiquement le pénis de être manipulé ou masturbé. La chasteté contrôlée dépend d’une confiance mutuelle et de l’acceptation du pouvoir du partenaire. Pour que la chasteté contrôlée soit pleinement réussie, il est avantageux que le détenteur de la clé soit une personne extérieure, impartiale.Si vous êtes déterminé à atteindre vos objectifs et que vous souhaitez suivre une méthode qui fonctionne, alors le CCC est fait pour vous. Il s’agit d’un programme conçu pour ceux qui recherchent un contrôle total de leur sexualité. En savoir plus sur la pratique de la Chasteté Masculine Contrôlée
Il y a de nombreux bénéfices et avantages à adopter cette pratique.
La chasteté contrôlée fournit une forme de relaxation. En pratiquant la chasteté, l’individu se dégage des préoccupations affectives. Son chemin est encadré et il n’a plus qu’à appliquer la discipline qui lui est demandée. En atténuant certaines impulsions, les hommes se distraient moins par des pensées sexuelles. Dans le monde actuel, la pornographie et les rencontres amoureuses sont des industries qui sollicitent en permanence les individus dans une logique purement commerciale. Réduire l’activité sexuelle peut mener à des liaisons plus significatives et profondes. Cela engendre de nouvelles possibilités. Il devient possible de lancer de nouveaux projets et de se concentrer sur des défis inédits. Pour conclure, la chasteté masculine contrôlée est une méthode volontaire et réfléchie pour gérer la libido des hommes, avec pour objectif d’améliorer leur bien-être personnel et relationnel. La pratique de la chasteté masculine contrôlée est la plus efficace lorsqu’un coach professionnel est impliqué. Elle neutralise les inconvénients liés au sexe et permet de se diriger vers d’autres buts ou projets. Elle est bénéfique pour les sportifs, les étudiants et les professionnels en leur permettant de se préparer au succès. Le coach gère le bon déroulement de la pratique en ajustant les périodes de libération selon les objectifs poursuivis.
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